W9CQO Ozaukee Radio Club

 SWAPFEST CALENDAR for 2024 (click to download list)


 146.970 (-) 127.3 PL 

 224.180 (-)  127.3 PL 

443.750 (+) 127.3  PL and FUSION


Repeater Trustee: Mike Harrington, N9FPG

Bylaws of Ozaukee Radio Club, Incorporated

Adopted: February 11, 1976
Amended: December 14, 1977
Amended: November 9, 1983
Amended: March 12, 1997
Amended: October 9, 2002
Amended: May 11, 2005



The purpose of this organization is to facilitate the exchange of information among persons interested in Amateur Radio, to promote Amateur Radio's image through public service, and to operate a non- profit corporation for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, as follows:

1. To educate and increase the proficiency of individuals in the current state of the science of radio and communications.


1.1 . To foster education and training of current members so that they are more capable of operating and maintaining radio and other communications equipment during periods of emergency.

1.2. To foster education and training in Amateur Radio and Federal Communications Commission licensing requirements for an Amateur Radio license.

2. To sponsor and encourage experimental activities in radio and other communications toward the development of new knowledge in the field, and to disseminate this and other information concerning new advancements in the field.

3. To promote the elevation of standards of practice and ethics in the conduct of Amateur Radio communications.

4. To organize and sponsor a scholarship program available to Amateur Radio operators.



1.1 An interest in Amateur Radio and payment of dues shall be the only requirements for membership. By paying dues each member consents to be governed by the bylaws of the corporation as they presently exist or as they may be amended or changed in the future.

1.2 Failure to pay dues prior to or at the annual meeting of any calendar year shall immediately suspend the right to vote on Club matters until the delinquency is rectified. Individuals who are still delinquent as of March 1 shall have their membership terminated.

1.3 Membership may be terminated for cause at any time by the majority vote of the Board of Directors. An individual whose membership has been terminated for cause by the Board of Directors shall, upon request, be entitled to a hearing and review of the Board of Directors decision at a regular meeting of the corporation.

1.4 The corporation is to have two classes of members, as follows:


1.4.1 REGULAR: REGULAR members shall receive all benefits of membership including voting at membership meetings on Club issues.

1.4.2 FAMILY: FAMILY members have all the privileges of their sponsoring member except the right to vote at membership meetings on Club issues. The FAMILY member may however, serve on the Board of Directors and vote as a member of the Board.

1.4.3 FAMILY membership shall be afforded to those persons who apply for FAMILY membership and who are children or spouses of REGULAR members and who are living in the same household. Children and spouses of REGULAR members are eligible for FAMILY membership on a continuing basis.



2.1 There shall be six officers of this corporation, as follows:


2.1.1 President.
2.1.2 First Vice President.
2.1.3 Second Vice President
2.1.4 Repeater Vice President.
2.1.5. Secretary.
2.1.6. Treasurer.

2.2 The officers shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the members present, at the annual meeting of the corporation. Each officer shall hold office until a successor shall have been duly elected or appointed or until the death of the officer or until resignation or removal in the manner hereinafter provided.

2.3 Vacancies occurring between elections may be filled by special ballot, at the first regular meeting at which the withdrawal or resignation is announced, or may be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors. The term of an officer elected by special ballot or appointed by the Board of Directors shall commence forthwith and continue until the next general election.

2.4 The Board of Directors of this corporation shall consist of eight members. These members shall include:


2.4.1. The six officers of the corporation.
2.4.2. The immediate Past President.
2.4.3. The Club Trustee.

2.5 The Club Trustee shall be a qualified, responsible individual appointed by majority vote of the Board of Directors. Appointment is made or reaffirmed at the first official meeting of the Club Officers and Directors following a Club general election. The Club Trustee is a member of the Board of Directors.

2.6 Officers may be removed on motion carried by not less than three-fourths vote of the membership.

2.7 Only REGULAR and FAMILY members can serve as officers or members of the Board of Directors.

2.8 A member may hold only one voting position at a time on the Board of Directors



3.1 The Board of Directors is responsible to organize, manage and motivate the membership in pursuit of the purpose of the Club as stated in the Preamble of these By-laws.


3.1.1 The Board of Directors shall annually develop a 2- year budget and submit it to the membership for approval.

3.1.2 The Board of Directors shall maintain a Policies and Procedures Manual. The contents shall include the policies and procedures that functionally implement the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation and further the goals and purposes of the Club. No policy or procedure shall abrogate any part of the bylaws or Articles of Incorporation. Each policy and procedure shall be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors.

3.2 The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization, and at all meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall conduct the same according to Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. The President shall enforce due observance of these by-laws, decide all questions of order, sign appropriate official documents that are adopted by the organization and none other, set the dates for the annual and regular meetings and perform all customary duties pertaining to the Office of President, including the appointment of committees as needed.

3.3 The First Vice President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of the latter. This officer shall also be responsible for the maintenance of an up-to-date inventory of all Club properties; internal activities of the Club and other such duties as directed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.

3.4 The Second Vice President shall assume the duties of the First Vice President in the absence of the latter. This officer shall also be responsible for the external activities of the Club, including public service activities, and other such duties as directed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.

3.5 The Repeater Vice President shall be responsible for all aspects of the care; maintenance, design and proper operation of any repeater project and the performance of other such duties as directed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.

The Repeater Vice President may appoint such assistants from REGULAR Members as he or she deems appropriate. The Repeater Vice President shall render periodic activity reports at regular meetings, and upon completion of the term of office or resignation or removal, shall furnish a written account for any corporation property which may have come into his or her possession or control during the term.

3.6 The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings, including Board of Directors meetings, keep a roll of members which shows their addresses, call letters (if any), telephone numbers and classes of membership, submit applications for membership, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, countersign such documents as the position requires, perform all other duties pertaining to the office of Secretary and other such duties as directed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.

3.7 The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all funds paid to the Club. This officer shall pay no bills without proper authorization from the Board of Directors or a majority vote of the REGULAR members at a membership meeting. The Treasurer shall report all activities of this office at each meeting. The books and accounts of the Club shall be audited annually by a committee appointed by the President. The Treasurer shall also perform other such duties as directed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.

3.8 The Club Trustee shall be responsible for legal control of any Club radio repeaters and other Club stations. This person shall maintain the current valid status of all Club station licenses with the FCC and shall oversee, supervise and ensure that on-the-air operations of all Club radio equipment is in accordance with FCC rules and regulations. The Club Trustee shall also perform other such duties as directed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.

3.9 The Past President shall advise the President in the management of the Club and serve on the Scholarship and Nominating Committees. The Past President shall also perform other such duties as directed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The current Past President shall serve as long as they are a member and until such time as they are replaced by a new past President. In the event of a resignation of the Past President, the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint a previous Past President to serve the duration of the term.

3.10 All officers and members of the Board of Directors shall, at the expiration of their terms, turn over all corporation records and any other corporation property they might have in their possession to their successors.



4.1 The annual meeting of the corporation shall be the first regular meeting date of the new calendar year. Regular meetings shall be held each month. Special meetings may be called by the President at any time, and must be called by the President upon written request of any five REGULAR voting members of the corporation. Notice of the annual and regular meetings shall be given in such a manner, as the President deems expedient. Special meetings may be called on five days notice by mail. Five days notice by mail shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States Mail, addressed to the member at his or her address as it appears on the records of the corporation, with postage prepaid. Only such business as is designated in said notice shall be transacted at such special meetings.

4.2 The Board of Directors shall meet at such times and upon such notice, as the President deems expedient. Action taken by the Board of Directors and not at a regular meeting shall be reported to and be reviewed by the voting membership at the first regular meeting following the Board of Directors meeting at which such action was taken.



5.1 Dues shall be discussed by the membership at the meeting previous to the last meeting of each calendar year, and any proposed changes to the dues structure for the coming year shall be advertised in writing to all members prior to the last meeting of the year. Changes to the dues structure for the coming year shall be set by a simple majority vote of the members present at the last meeting of the year.

There shall be no dues charge for FAMILY members.

The Board of Directors may waive all or part of the dues of persons who are, or who are applying for, REGULAR membership. Partial or total waiver of dues for such persons does not affect their voting rights or other rights and privileges applicable to their REGULAR membership.

5.2 Dues are payable at or before the annual meeting of each year. Persons who apply for membership on or after 1 July of a given year will be charged one-half (50%) of the current rate for their class of membership.

5.3 In addition to dues, the members, by majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, may levy upon any or all classes of members such assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the corporation within its object as set forth in the preamble hereof.

5.4 Failure to pay any duly levied assessment by March 1st following it having been levied will automatically terminate membership.



6.1 Those members present at a regular or duly notified special membership meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the corporation, except for amendments of these by-laws (for these amendments, see Article VIII). A simple majority vote of the members present will carry any motion proposed, except for amendments to the by-laws.

6.2 Five Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors. A simple majority vote shall carry any proposed motion.



7.1 A Scholarship Committee will be appointed annually by the Board of Directors, and shall consist of at least three REGULAR members. The committee will:


7.1.1. Establish and maintain the organization's scholarship program.

7.1.2. Recommend the selection criteria for scholarship recipients.

7.1.3. Work with a recognized national scholarship screening and disbursement agency to process the scholarship activity.

The Scholarship Committee shall report its activities to the membership at least annually, through a report presented at a regular meeting or by publication in the Club newsletter.

7.2 The President may appoint any additional committees of any type as the need arises.



8.1 These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of 25% of the voting membership of the corporation. That is, 25% of the voting membership must be present at a meeting to vote on an amendment to the by-laws, and a two-thirds majority vote will carry a proposed amendment. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting.

Notice by mail must be given prior to any special meeting at which proposed changes to these bylaws are submitted for vote. The notice shall contain, among other things, the substance of the proposed amendment.



9.1 No part of the income of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered, and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in its Articles of Incorporation and the preamble of these by-laws. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.



Policy and Procedure Number 1


Ozaukee Radio Club Policy and Procedures Manual

DATE APPROVED: 3 April 2000



Officers and Directors are chosen by member vote annually. Membership in the club is always in flux. In order to achieve continuity in club activities and processes, and provide the new officers direction in handling their responsibilities, a record of agreed upon club policy and procedure is needed.

The purpose of this manual is to develop a collection of instructions that will provide direction in the routine affairs of the Ozaukee Radio Club.




1. The policies and procedures in this manual must not supercede or subvert those recorded in the Club's Articles of Incorporation or By Laws documents.

2. The Club Trustee shall maintain the master copy of this Policy and Procedure Manual.

3. Upon election to office, Officers and Directors shall be given a current copy of this Manual.

4. Revisions and additions to this manual shall be the responsibility of the Club Directors.

Revision: 0



Policy and Procedure Number 2


Actions To Be Taken When A Club Member Becomes Deceased

DATE APPROVED: 3 April 2000



Members of the Ozaukee Radio Club often form lasting friendships while serving community communication needs. This comradeship many times also includes family members. When a club member dies, the club is diminished. The loss is felt by the club as well as the member's immediate family. In time, the surviving spouse wants to get rid of the electronic equipment of the deceased member but is at a loss as to how to proceed. The spouse also usually does not know how to value the equipment and may, unfortunately, be taken advantage of.

The purpose of this document is to show the actions to be taken by the Club Directors and members at this sad time.


Actions To Be Taken:


1. Any member, upon learning of a current or recent member's death, shall alert the Club President or other member of the board.

2. The Club President shall alert the membership and direct the Club Secretary to send a condolence card to the surviving spouse. In the event there is no surviving spouse, the card shall be directed to other surviving family members.

3. The Club shall promptly honor the deceased member by making a donation, in memory of the deceased member, in the amount of $25.00, to the ARRL or other charity as suggested by the family.

4. A Club representative (selected by the Directors) shall contact the deceased member's family to offer the Club's help in evaluating the electronic equipment in the member's estate.

5. If requested by the deceased member's family, a list of any electronic equipment and its current value shall be prepared and given to the family.

6. If requested by the deceased member's family, the list shall be distributed to the Club members as items available for purchase.

7. Any sale of equipment from this list is not the responsibility of the Club. All sales are to be negotiated between the buyer and the deceased member's family.

8. The deceased member's family is to be alerted that the Club is a 501c3 organization and that donations to the Club will be accepted and may accrue to the advantage of the spouse at tax time.

Revision:    1
Revision Date:    18 Jan 2005  Approved by membership

Revision:    2
Revision Date:    14 Apr 2010  Approved by membership



Policy and Procedure Number 3


Procedure For Handling Donations To the Club

DATE APPROVED: 3 April 2000



The donation of equipment to the Ozaukee Radio Club provides the donor with a charitable contribution tax deduction. Under law, certain information must be furnished to the donor, or the donation deduction may be denied. In addition, the Club may be subject to the imposition of certain penalties or the loss of our tax exempt ruling if the donations are handled improperly. After receipt of donated moneys or equipment, the club must direct the disposition of the donations to serve the objectives of the club.

The purpose of this document is to show the actions to be taken by the Club Officers, Directors and members in the handling of donations.


Actions To Be Taken:

Donations to the club may be in the form of equipment or money (not services).

The Club must acknowledge receipt of the donation and must provide a value for the donation if its value will exceed $250.

If the value of an equipment donation will exceed $5000, an itemized, qualified appraisal must be prepared.

If the donor receives value from the club in return for the donation (quid pro quo), the amount of this value must be noted on the donation acknowledgment letter.

Donations must be used to further the objectives of the club and may never be used to enrich the club officers, directors or members.

An accounting of all receipts, donation letters and disbursements of donations must be kept for review.

Donated equipment and materials not required for club use will be sold with club members having first refusal and then to the general public.

Moneys from donated equipment sales will be placed in the club scholarship fund until that fund becomes self-sustaining. Then those moneys shall revert to the general club treasury account.



Policy and Procedure Number 4


Duties of the ORC Trustee

DATE APPROVED: August 2, 2005



The purpose of this procedure is to clarify several of the duties of the Trustee of the Ozaukee Radio Club



The Club Trustee is primarily responsible for the legal status and provision of the Club's repeater system. Specifically this includes:


1. Application and maintenance of valid Club FCC licenses for all Club stations and repeaters.

2. Oversee, supervise and ensure that on-the-air operations of all Club stations and equipment are in accordance with FCC rules and regulations.

The Club Trustee shall also be responsible for correspondence, submissions, filings and maintenance of all records related to the Clubs corporation and tax exempt 501 (c) (3) status. Specifically this includes maintenance of the:


1. Legal status of the Club with Federal, State and Local authorities.

2. Club's legal 501 (c) (3) charitable donation status.

3. System to receive and dispose of charitable donations.



Policy and Procedure Number 5


Procedure For Conduct of Elections and Term Limits

DATE APPROVED: August 2, 2005



The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance in the consistant conduct of election of officers of the Ozaukee Radio Club



A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President in sufficient time (eg. 8 weeks) prior to the scheduled annual meeting at which time there will be an election of officers.

Officers shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the members at the annual meeting of the Club.

No less than 60 days prior to the scheduled annual meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of no less than 3 voting members and including when possible, the immediate Past President or retiring President as Chairman.

The Nominating Committee shall solicit qualified candidates and accept nominations for the relevant Board positions and shall publish this list of candidates to the membership no less than 14 days prior to the annual meeting elections. To be eligible, candidates may not be on the Nominating Committee, must be full or family members and must have agreed to their nomination.

A member may serve a maximum of three (3) successive terms in the offices of President, First Vice President and Second Vice President.

The Nominating Committee Chairman shall "chair" the elections and be solely responsible for their conduct in accordance with this policy and with any challenges being determined by the Club Parliamentarian in accordance with "Robert's Rules of Order". The committee shall be responsible for preparation, distribution and counting of all ballots at the time of the elections. If a candidacy is not contested, a written ballot is not required. The Committee Chairman shall announce the winner of each election.

An election shall be conducted for each individual relevant Board position and additional nominations will be solicited and accepted from the floor just prior to the election for the specific position. To be an eligible candidate, a nominee from the floor must be a full or family member and must be present to accept the nomination or must have provided written authority to another member to accept the nomination on the nominee's behalf. Members of the Nominating Committee may be nominated from the floor.

Each candidate and member shall be given an opportunity to address the "group" on behalf of a candidate just prior to the election for each relevant Board position.

The newly elected Board members shall assume their new responsibilities immediately following closing of the annual meeting.



Policy and Procedure Number 6


Annual Dues

DATE APPROVED: August 2, 2005



The purpose of this procedure is to define the amount of dues for membership of the Ozaukee Radio Club members.



The annual dues for REGULAR membership will be $15.00

For those joining after July 1 of the year the dues shall be only 50% of the normal annual dues amount.

There are no annual dues for FAMILY members.

Graduates of ORC sponsored Amateur Radio courses are eligible for REGULAR membership, with no dues charge, for the duration of that calendar year following their having successfully passed an FCC Amateur Radio exam.

Annual dues may be suspended by Board action for members with special circumstances or who have made a significant contribution to the Club or Club Scholarship Fund.



Policy and Procedure Number 7



DATE APPROVED: August 2, 2005



The purpose of this procedure is to define the procedures to be used in the annual audit of the Club financial records and accounts.



An Audit Committee shall be appointed by the President to complete an audit of the Club books and accounts annually and prior to the assumption of the duties of Treasurer by the incoming Treasurer.

The audit committee shall consist of the Past President, incoming Treasurer and two other Regular members of the Club not including the outgoing Treasurer. The outgoing Treasurer shall assist in the conduct of the audit through the provision of all required records and verbal explanations of practices followed.

As a minimum the audit shall consist of the following activities:


1. Obtain copy of prior year audit report and review amounts reported and trace fund balances to current year's records.

2. Obtain current years bank statements including canceled checks or equilivent and copies of deposit tickets included with monthly statements.

3. Use copies of deposit tickets or bank receipts prepared by treasurer to trace deposits to bank statement.

4. Test member dues by taking the membership roster and multiply listed members by the member dues amount. If difference is reasonable accept it.

5. Select two or three bank statements, including that of the current December and trace canceled checks to the current years accounting records.

6. Verify significant program/project accounting, collections and expenditures utilizing program/project records and compare them with receipts and expenditures recorded by the Treasurer and noted in the bank statements.

7. Determine the extent to which the budget was adhered.

8. Determine if all expenditures were properly authorized.

Upon completion of the audit the audit committee shall submit a report to the Board and general membership as to the results of the audit and state of the treasury.



Policy and Procedure Number 8


Club Awards

DATE APPROVED: February 1, 2006



The purpose of this procedure is to define various awards that may be presented by the ORC. While this policy defines certain available awards and the criteria and procedure for their award the ORC is not necessarily limited to the awards noted herein. Neither does the fact that an award is noted indicate any requirement that it be awarded every year.

Awards number 1 and 2 are traditional with the ORC while numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 recognize the purposes of Amateur Radio as stated in Federal Regulations 97.1 paragraphs a, b, c and e. Awards 7 through 13 recognize individuals who are leading specific programs and activities thus assuring a rewarding present and future for the ORC.




1. "Turkey" Award
First awarded ­ Initially in 1981 and annually thereafter.
Award - Traveling trophy. Originally a stuffed turkey. Currently a plaque in the shape of a turkey. Plaque has name and year of each awardee. Awardee should be given a certificate in addition to the plaque since the plaque is traveling.
Criteria - A "good guy" award. Typically an individual is selected who has generally assisted the ORC with projects during the year and has promoted friendship and good will within the group. This award may be awarded to an individual only one time.
Selection - The "Turkey" is selected by a secret vote among the membership attending a membership meeting designated by the Awards committee. The Awards committee shall conduct the secret ballot, make the final selection in the name of the membership and assure the award is available for presentation.

2. "HAM of the Year" Award
First awarded ­ Initially 1983 and annually thereafter.
Award - Traveling trophy. Currently a plaque with the name and year of each awardee. Awardee should be given a certificate in addition to the plaque since the plaque is traveling.
Criteria - A "contributor" award. Typically the individual(s) selected has contributed to the ORC in more than one activity area and is recognized by the general membership as a key person in the success of the group for one or more reasons.
Selection - The "HAM of the Year" is selected by a secret vote among the membership attending a membership meeting designated by the Awards committee. The Awards committee shall conduct the secret ballot, make the final selection in the name of the membership and assure the award is available for presentation.

3. "Public Service" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - The individual shall have provided significant public services as a "HAM" within an individual event, during a specific year or throughout a longer period of time to the benefit of the community at large or specific individuals within the community.
Selection - Nominations may be made from the general membership while selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

4. "Radio Art Advancement" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - Individual selected is recognized for having dedicated considerable time and effort to experimenting with state of the art technologies and technology development and with some degree of success.
Selection - Nominations may be made from the general membership while selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

5. "Communications and Technical Skills Advancement" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - In recognition of an individual who continues to improve their personal skills and those of others as related to normal and emergency operating procedures and conditions
Selection - Nominations may be made from the general membership while selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

6. "International Goodwill" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - In recognition of an individual who continues to improve international goodwill as a result of DX rag-chews, DX expedition participation or support and/or participation in international efforts (e.g. AMSAT etc. or publications)
Selection - Nominations may be made from the general membership while selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

7. "Committee of the Year" Award
Award - A certificate awarded to each member of the committee
Criteria - Awarded to the individuals within a committee of 3 or more persons that best exemplify the characteristics related to successful projects such as creative thinking, setting and meeting objectives, setting and meeting timetables, allocation of responsibilities and tasks, execution of the plan and debriefing and documentation of results.
Selection - Selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

8. "Club Project of the Year" Award
Award - A certificate awarded to the chairman of the selected activity
Criteria - Recognizes an individual program conducted by an individual or committee that has had a significant favorable impact on the Club.
Selection - Selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

9. "Operator of the Year" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - Presented in recognition of a member who as an LF,HF, VHF ,UHF or/and SHF operator has created a favorable image within or for the Club and/or motivated other operators within the Club to participate and expand their operator horizons or Club operating activities.
Selection - Selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

10. "Trainer of the Year" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - Recognizes an individual for considerable effort dedicated to the preparation and conduct of training programs for the purpose of earning an FCC license or generally expanding the skills of "Ham's
Selection - Selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

11. "Technical Project of the Year" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - In recognition of a member having successfully completed a significant technical project during the year.
Selection - Selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

12. "Contester of the Year" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - In recognition of a member who has brought recognition and growth to the ORC through their success in ARRL sanctioned contests or through the motivation and training of others to participate in contests.
Selection - Selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

13. "Presidential" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - Recognizes one or more individuals for their significant contributions to the ORC
Selection - Selection shall be made by the President

14. "Club Service" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - The individual shall have provided significant club services as a member within an individual event, during a specific year or throughout a longer period of time to the benefit of the radio club at large or specific individuals within the club.
Selection - Nominations may be made from the general membership while selection shall be made by the Board of Directors

15. "Meeting Program of the Year" Award
Award - A certificate shall be awarded to the selected individual
Criteria - The individual shall have provided one or more programs at the general membership meetings that greatly inspire, inform or entertain the membership in such a manner to educate them to an issue, answer their questions about an issue, influence them to action or generally make the meetings more social and enjoyable.
Selection - Nominations may be made from the general membership while selection shall be made by the Board of Directors



DATE APPROVED: November 13, 2007

TITLE: Fiscal Policies

Background: The Board of Directors operates from a budget, accesses dues (reference Policy No. 6 and conducts an annual audit (ref. Policy No, 7) of the Club financial transactions. The purpose of the following fiscal policies and procedures is to provide direction and a guide for the Board of Directors in the consistant conduct of the fiscal transactions of the Ozaukee Radio Club.


The Board of Directors annually develops a two-year budget for approval by the membership. Membership approval of this proposed budget provides approval to the Board for expenditure of the funds noted in the budget. The budget should contain a “contingency fund” (e.g. $500) which in effect gives the board authorization to approve an expenditure up to the contingency fund amount without further approval of the membership.

The budget should be updated/maintained with current values by the Treasurer following major events and at least quarterly and the Board of Directors will make any adjustments in future project expenditures when appropriate.

Expenditures in excess of $500, even though budgeted, must be approved by the Board of Directors.


The bank(s)/institutions to be utilized for club financial transactions and investments shall be approved by the Board of Directors.

Authorized signatures for Club accounts shall be limited to that of the President, Treasurer and Trustee.

Two signatures of approval are required for any transaction exceeding $500.

There shall be no Credit Cards issued against any Ozaukee Radio Club account.

The Treasurer shall receive the original copy of the financial institution statement(s) and provide a copy to the Club Trustee Any checking account shall be limited to $3000 with the excess being placed in a money market account or prudently invested.

The Club shall not maintain any safety deposit box.


All “investments” shall be approved by the Board of Directors. CD’s that mature may automatically be renewed however conversion to other accounts or investments must be approved by the Board of Directors.


Project chairmen shall receive a copy of the approved budgeted income and expenses related to the project. The Board of Directors must specifically confirm budgeted expenses exceeding $500 prior to obligation and those exceeding $100 of the budgeted amount prior to payment.

Project/program income exceeding $100 shall be counted at the event by at least 2 unrelated Club members prior to deposit.

Project/program income should be deposited in the approved bank account within 3 business days of being counted.

Project/program billings, which are authorized expenses, shall be paid within 30 days of submission/approval.


The Treasurer shall provide a consolidated financial report, including the scholarship funds and all other financial transactions and account balances, to the membership at least quarterly.


Newsletters (pdf)

Current Newsletter (2.29 MB)
2023 (Full Year) (18 MB)
2022 (Full Year) (10 MB)

Find all previously published newsletters in our archive.


Computer Corner

Index file
Entire PDF set (7/1993 - 4/2024) (29.4 MB)

The index file has a listing of all 'Computer Corner' articles that have been published.

Ham Nation

Ham Nation on YouTube

Ham Nation, the show about ham radio, has moved off TWiT TV and can be found on the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube. New host Josh Nass (KI6NAZ), with various co-hosts and guests, will continue to cover the excitement and importance of ham radio. Stay on top of the latest episodes by subcribing to the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube.

Save the date!
ORC Fall Swapfest
September 07, 2024 at Firemen's Park.  Flyer

The next meeting is

July 10, 2024

at 7:30PM at the Grafton Senior Center, Grafton, WI. Map

Save the date!
ORC Spring Swapfest
Sat. April 26, 2025 , 8 AM -  12 noon at the Columbia St. Mary’s Center, Cedarburg. Click here to download flyer



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