W9CQO Ozaukee Radio Club

 SWAPFEST CALENDAR for 2024 (click to download list)


 146.970 (-) 127.3 PL 

 224.180 (-)  127.3 PL 

443.750 (+) 127.3  PL and FUSION


Repeater Trustee: Mike Harrington, N9FPG

The following positions are appointed by the President. If you are able to assist with any of the open positions, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

 50/50 Raffle

Jeananne Bargholz, N9VSV

 Annual Awards Banquet



 Appointed annually by President


 Ken Boston, W9GA

Club Name Tag

 Jeananne Bargholz, N9VSV

 Club Swag (Caps & etc.)

 Jeananne Bargholz, N9VSV

 Corn Roast


 FCC Licensing & Advancement

 Tom Ruhlmann, W9IPR

 Facebook Page Manager

Gregg Lengling, W9DHI

 Fall Swapfest

 Tom Ruhlmann, W9IPR, Chair

 Field Day

 Ken Boston, W9GA, Chair

Groups.io Manager

Gregg Lengling, W9DHI


 Robert Eskola, K4WTH

 Lighthouse Event


 Meeting Programs

 Jeananne Bargholz, N9VSV


 Jeananne Bargholz, N9VSV

 Newsletter Editor

 Bill Shadid, W9MXQ

 Nominations Committee

 Ken Boston, W9GA, Chair


 Jeananne Bargholz, N9VSV

 Public Service Liaison

 Jim Albrinck, K9QLP

 Scholarship Committee

 Tom Ruhlmann, W9IPR, Chair

Bill Shadid W9MXQ, Equipment Evaluator

 Spring Swapfest

 Tom Trethewey, KC9ONY

 Sunshine Committee

 Nancy Stecker, KC9FCK


 Gregg Lengling, W9DHI


Newsletters (pdf)

Current Newsletter (2.29 MB)
2023 (Full Year) (18 MB)
2022 (Full Year) (10 MB)

Find all previously published newsletters in our archive.


Computer Corner

Index file
Entire PDF set (7/1993 - 4/2024) (29.4 MB)

The index file has a listing of all 'Computer Corner' articles that have been published.

Ham Nation

Ham Nation on YouTube

Ham Nation, the show about ham radio, has moved off TWiT TV and can be found on the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube. New host Josh Nass (KI6NAZ), with various co-hosts and guests, will continue to cover the excitement and importance of ham radio. Stay on top of the latest episodes by subcribing to the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube.

Save the date!
ORC Fall Swapfest
September 07, 2024 at Firemen's Park.  Flyer

The next meeting is

July 10, 2024

at 7:30PM at the Grafton Senior Center, Grafton, WI. Map

Save the date!
ORC Spring Swapfest
Sat. April 26, 2025 , 8 AM -  12 noon at the Columbia St. Mary’s Center, Cedarburg. Click here to download flyer



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