W9CQO Ozaukee Radio Club

 SWAPFEST CALENDAR for 2024 (click to download list)


 146.970 (-) 127.3 PL 

 224.180 (-)  127.3 PL 

443.750 (+) 127.3  PL and FUSION


Repeater Trustee: Mike Harrington, N9FPG


Display # 
# Callsign Name Suffix License expires
1 N9WIU Kasun, James WIU 03/08/2024
2 K9QLP Albrinck, Jim QLP 04/28/2029
3 WB9PZD Alper, Jeff PZD 03/09/2031
4 KC9GJD Ansay, John GJD 07/23/2024
5 KD9LQY Arneberg, Bill LQY 09052028
6 N9SBA Bares, Gary SBA 02/05/2033
7 KB9JNJ Bares, Jay JNJ 02/13/2025
8 N9UUR Bargholz, Gary UUR 09/14/2023
9 N9VSV Bargholz, Jeananne VSV 12/21/2023
10 W7GW Bauer, Michael GW 03/24/2032
11 KC9YES Berkowitz, Naomi YES 01/29/2033
12 KD9RAW Bettencourt, Joseph RAW 11/30/2030
13 KD9FGB Bischoff, William FGB 01/11/2026
14 W9GA Boston, Ken GA 01/01/2029
15 WA9OLH Bub, Alexander OLH 01/29/2026
16 W9LLL Caraway, James LLL 06/22/2027
17 KC9REO Carpenter (II), David REO 01/11/2030
18 KC9REP Carpenter (Sr), David REP 01/11/2030
19 KC9RUD Carpenter, Jacob RUD 03/23/2030
20 N4AOS Chaloupka, Andrew AOS 07/29/2026
21 KB9TMB Chaloupka, Roland TMB 09/30/2028
22 W0NG Chow, Peter NG 05/04/2023
23 KD9DRQ Church, Bill DRQ 04/27/2025
24 W9YKR Cohen, Gary YKR 06/06/2027
25 KD9AMW Crawford, Johnathan AMW 02/24/2024
26 W9KR Curran, Charles KR 01/31/2024
27 AC9CD Davidson, Arthur CD 06/02/2029
28 KD9MRK Delsman, Clay MRK 03/15/2029
29 KA9PZG Douglas, Cindy PZG 05/23/2028
30 K9DJT Drasch, Gary DJT 08/30/2026
31 WB9LLW Dziubek, Kenneth LLW 09/09/2024
32 WB9LLZ Dziubek, Sandra Lee LLZ 04/19/2024
33 K9EMD Eibs, Michael EMD 03/18/2026
34 K4WTH Eskola, Robert WTH 10/31/2027
35 N9DRY Fast, Todd DRY 08/31/2024
36 KD9JYL Flowers, Dave JYL 01/08/2028
37 KD9YEW Galaska, Scott YEW 05/03/2033
38 KQ9S Gengler, Paul S 08/02/2033
39 KD9YYK Gietzel, Brent YYK 09/26/2033
40 None Gilbertson, Peter
41 KD9KHY Graupe, Ari KHY 02/26/2028
42 KD9JNU Graupe, Elan JNU 10/30/2027
43 KD9JNV Graupe, Henny JNV 10/30/2027
44 KD9JNT Graupe, Nesya JNT 10/30/2027
45 K9GN Greaves, Bill GN 01/09/2031
46 KB9PRF Griffin ,David J PRF 02/26/2027
47 N9FPG Harrington, Michael FPG 05/02/2026
48 KC9CMT Harris, Michael CMT 10/18/2032
49 KD9NOO Heleniak, Mark NOO 07/29/2029
50 WA4VCW Hill, Clay VCW 01/06/2027
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Newsletters (pdf)

Current Newsletter (2.29 MB)
2023 (Full Year) (18 MB)
2022 (Full Year) (10 MB)

Find all previously published newsletters in our archive.


Computer Corner

Index file
Entire PDF set (7/1993 - 4/2024) (29.4 MB)

The index file has a listing of all 'Computer Corner' articles that have been published.

Ham Nation

Ham Nation on YouTube

Ham Nation, the show about ham radio, has moved off TWiT TV and can be found on the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube. New host Josh Nass (KI6NAZ), with various co-hosts and guests, will continue to cover the excitement and importance of ham radio. Stay on top of the latest episodes by subcribing to the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube.

Save the date!
ORC Fall Swapfest
September 07, 2024 at Firemen's Park.  Flyer

The next meeting is

July 10, 2024

at 7:30PM at the Grafton Senior Center, Grafton, WI. Map

Save the date!
ORC Spring Swapfest
Sat. April 26, 2025 , 8 AM -  12 noon at the Columbia St. Mary’s Center, Cedarburg. Click here to download flyer



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