W9CQO Ozaukee Radio Club

 SWAPFEST CALENDAR for 2024 (click to download list)


 146.970 (-) 127.3 PL 

 224.180 (-)  127.3 PL 

443.750 (+) 127.3  PL and FUSION


Repeater Trustee: Mike Harrington, N9FPG


Display # 
# Callsign Name Suffix License expires
51 KB0SIO Holt, Catherine SIO 04/28/2025
52 AB0VF Holt, Richard VF 03/15/2025
53 WA9QLQ Jensen, Brian QLQ 05/30/2024
54 N9ENR Jentz, Loren ENR 10/19/2023
55 WB9RQR Kaplan, Stan RQR 08/14/2026
56 WB9AZH Kleist, Rodney AZH 03/30/2033
57 W9ABI Kobishop, John ABI 07/28/2028
58 KD9HLN Large, William HLN 11/28/2026
59 KD9IGO LeMere, Fred IGO 03/28/2027
60 W9DHI Lengling, Gregg DHI 03/25/2029
61 KD9PHQ Lenz, Aaron PHQ 05/06/2030
62 K9MOI Lesch, Donald MOI 10/08/2027
63 KD9WOY Livingston, John WOY 02/18/2033
64 KD9GAE Markworth, Jonathan GAE 04/25/2026
65 W9PEM Martis, Paul PEM 04/02/2029
66 N9NNE Matthies, Dale NNE 01/04/2032
67 KC9YEP Meyer, Charles YEP 01/28/2033
68 WQ5O Morgan, Tom O 07/30/2031
69 W9PJM Murray, Patrick PJM 04/13/2024
70 KD9QLS Myszka, Matthew QLS 2030/09/28
71 KB9WBQ Nawrot, Julia WBQ 05/18/2032
72 AA9XK Nawrot, Tom XK 11/21/2024
73 KN9KJN Nelan, Kenn KJN 08/19/2026
74 KA9RNU Parkinson, David RNU 02/12/2031
75 N9PCA Parkinson, Lori Ann PCA 04/21/2032
76 KC9GST Potash, Mark GST 11/03/2024
77 KC9GSS Potash, Naomi GSS 11/03/2024
78 AA9W Rate, Ed W 01/16/2028
79 KC9YRV Ratzlaff, Eric YRV 04/08/2033
80 K0DSC Reed, Daniel DSC 01/04/2032
81 KB9WNS Richter, Michael WNS 06/20/2030
82 W9IPR Ruhlmann, Tom IPR 08/19/2026
83 W9JRX Russell, James JRX 05/11/2024
84 WW9JON Sanfilippo, Jon JON 07/16/2030
85 AE9MS Sauer, Michael MS 05/08/2027
86 WI9BOB Schatzman, Bob BOB 12/02/2023
87 KD9HQB Schatzman, Matthew HQB 01/09/2027
88 K9ZMU Scheuerell, Kent ZMU 07/18/2025
89 KD9MFS Schneider, Marc MFS 12/31/2028
90 AD9BR Schneider, Tony BR 01/19/2031
91 AC9JV Schnell, Bill JV 04/28/2024
92 WH6ZZ Schultz, Michael ZZ 04/09/2029
93 KD9FM Schumacker, Paul FM 07/22/2029
94 KD9UWG Schumann, Markus UWG 04/14/2032
95 W9KEY Schwierske, Fred KEY 05/30/2028
96 KC9TSO Seidler, Nate TSO 03/01/2031
97 KD9YDY Serrano, Jeffery YDY 05/02/2033
98 W9MXQ Shadid, Bill MXQ 05/29/2033
99 WA9BBC Shank, Kevin BBC 03/31/2026
100 WT9Q Shier, Vic Q 04/12/2024

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Newsletters (pdf)

Current Newsletter (2.29 MB)
2023 (Full Year) (18 MB)
2022 (Full Year) (10 MB)

Find all previously published newsletters in our archive.


Computer Corner

Index file
Entire PDF set (7/1993 - 4/2024) (29.4 MB)

The index file has a listing of all 'Computer Corner' articles that have been published.

Ham Nation

Ham Nation on YouTube

Ham Nation, the show about ham radio, has moved off TWiT TV and can be found on the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube. New host Josh Nass (KI6NAZ), with various co-hosts and guests, will continue to cover the excitement and importance of ham radio. Stay on top of the latest episodes by subcribing to the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube.

Save the date!
ORC Fall Swapfest
September 07, 2024 at Firemen's Park.  Flyer

The next meeting is

July 10, 2024

at 7:30PM at the Grafton Senior Center, Grafton, WI. Map

Save the date!
ORC Spring Swapfest
Sat. April 26, 2025 , 8 AM -  12 noon at the Columbia St. Mary’s Center, Cedarburg. Click here to download flyer



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