W9CQO Ozaukee Radio Club

 SWAPFEST CALENDAR for 2024 (click to download list)


 146.970 (-) 127.3 PL 

 224.180 (-)  127.3 PL 

443.750 (+) 127.3  PL and FUSION


Repeater Trustee: Mike Harrington, N9FPG

Silent Keys

Display # 
# Callsign Name SK on
51 W9LNL Oehler, Tom 10/11/2012
52 WB9JPH Palese, John 10/17/2021
53 N9AJ Prinz, Fausten 02/02/1995
54 K9ZUB Putnam, Hugh 12/29/2010
55 N9NNA Raasch, Jim 02/21/2004
56 KC9WUI Rauth, Jerold 12/09/2021
57 K9GCF Rediske, Leon 05/06/2014
58 WB9AIS Robbins, Dick 01/15/2021
59 WA9UVK Roehner, Herbert 06/13/2013
60 K9CAN Scarvaci, Dick 01/23/2011
61 WA9DOT Schellenberg, Jim 01/31/1982
62 KC9ZQH Schenk, Sean R. 11/03/2016
63 KA9UBW Schepp, Larry 03/09/1995
64 WI9M Sharbuno, Gary 10/20/2013
65 WA9RPB Smies, Dan 01/24/2000
66 KB9PQZ Spicuzza, Ted 11/23/2012
67 WA9KFR Stasiowski, Walter 08/01/2014
68 AA9EF Stockfish, Robert 12/29/1999
69 W9UFW Stolte, Fred 01/18/2003
70 W9RYA Teske, Verne 03/22/2010
71 W9LO Truscott, Bob 07/05/2014
72 WA9ERI Uecke, Donald 10/30/2013
73 N9WJU Vollrath (Sr), Robert 02/02/1994
74 W9VLL Vosburg, William (Bill) 04/21/2003
75 KB9IMH Walker, Gerald 11/15/2015
76 W9DQS Williams, Bob
77 N9KY Witt (Jr), Bill 10/09/2009
78 K9DIB Wolverton, Roger 09/11/2016
79 W9BCK Yokes, Ron 01/08/2020
80 W9UVV Zaun, Roger 04/01/2011

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Newsletters (pdf)

Current Newsletter (2.29 MB)
2023 (Full Year) (18 MB)
2022 (Full Year) (10 MB)

Find all previously published newsletters in our archive.


Computer Corner

Index file
Entire PDF set (7/1993 - 4/2024) (29.4 MB)

The index file has a listing of all 'Computer Corner' articles that have been published.

Ham Nation

Ham Nation on YouTube

Ham Nation, the show about ham radio, has moved off TWiT TV and can be found on the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube. New host Josh Nass (KI6NAZ), with various co-hosts and guests, will continue to cover the excitement and importance of ham radio. Stay on top of the latest episodes by subcribing to the Ham Radio Crash Course Channel on YouTube.

Save the date!
ORC Fall Swapfest
September 07, 2024 at Firemen's Park.  Flyer

The next meeting is

July 10, 2024

at 7:30PM at the Grafton Senior Center, Grafton, WI. Map

Save the date!
ORC Spring Swapfest
Sat. April 26, 2025 , 8 AM -  12 noon at the Columbia St. Mary’s Center, Cedarburg. Click here to download flyer



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